I am using a M-uno with latest StarGo Version, correct firmware and latest ascom driver (as shown on the support page for StarGo).
Now I have suddenly a severe problem: There is no reaction (movement) for RA or DEC when clicking on the movement buttons in StarGo cockpit. And the same happens on the hand box. Alsono reaction. No movement on RA or DEC.
Step by step description what I did:
Connecting StarGo
Sync Home Position
Moving RA and DEC the first time to a random position with the buttons in the Stargo Cockpit (this first movement is working)
After this first move the mount (StarGo) switches to Guide-Mode and Sidereal speed.
Now when I click again on any movement button there is no reaction - no movement. Also no movement when using the move buttons on the handbox (which is connected)
After the mount switches to guide mode it is impossible to switch to SLEW mode. When I click on the SLEW button, the button is highlighted for a moment and then switching back to GUIDE.
When I perform a plate solve and use movement with APT to slew to an object the mount starts movement.
Sometimes it also happens that StarGo suddenly reports "StarGo board is not responding".
How can I solve this problem?
Thanks for any help
