Konstantinos Tsekas


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Review     I have been an amature astronomer for many years. I bought Linear Fast Reverse last May and so far i am very satisfied. This mount is reliable, my stars are round and most of my exposures are very long.

Location: Stinger of Scorpius Observatory, Filiates, Thesprotia - Greece.


kostantinos tsekas setup linear big

Telescope: William optics star 71 f/4.9
Mount: Avalon linear fast reverse
Camera: CCD Atik One 6.0
Filter: Baader LRGB - Astrodon Ha 5 nm
Guide: ZWO ASI290MM Mini (mono) + Skywatcher ed80
Process: CCD stack - Pixinsight - Photoshop CS6


IC 1848 - The Soul Nebula

Bortle Scale: Class 4
Constellation: Cassiopeia
Imaging Telescope: William optics star 71 f/4.9
Equatorial Mount: Avalon linear fast reverse (Avalon Instruments)
Guide Scope : Skywatcher ed80 Black Diamond
Guide Camera:ZWO ASI290MM Mini (mono)
Main Camera: CCD Atik One 6.0 Monochrome
Filters: Astrodon Hydrogen Alpha 5nm
         Astrodon Oxygen iii 3nm
         Baader Sulfor ii 8nm
Exposures: 60X600sec for Hydrogen Alpha  : (10 hours total)
           60X600sec for Oxygen iii      : (10 hours total)
           42X600sec for Sulfor ii       : (7  hours total)
Binning: 1x1 for each filter
Image Calibration: 60 dark frames, 230 bias frames, 35 flat frames
Sensor temperature: -10°C
Image acquisition software: Artemis Capture
Telescope guiding software: PHD2
Processing software: Pixinsight - CCD stack - Photoshop CS6
Acquisition dates: 14/08/2020 - 16/08/2020 (H-Alpha Filter)
                   17/08/2020 - 20/08/2020 (O iii   Filter)
                   22/08/2020 - 23/08/2020 (S ii    Filter)
Total exposure : 27 hours

Leo Triplet
Location: Stinger of Scorpius Observatory, Filiates, Thesprotia - Greece.
Telescope: William optics star 71 f/4.9
Mount: Avalon linear fast reverse
Camera: CCD Atik One 6.0
Filter: Baader LRGB
Guide:ZWO ASI290MM Mini (mono) + Skywatcher ed80
Process:CCD stack - Pixinsight - Photoshop CS6
Exposure:Luminance 132 exposures x 300sec
Red: 36 exposures x 300sec
Green:36 exposures x 300sec
Blue: 36 exposures x 300sec
Dates: 17/03/2020, 21/03/2020, 11/04/2020, 16/04/2020, 18/04/2020
Total: 20 hours total

Elephant's Trunk Nebula (IC1396)

The Elephant's Trunk Nebula is a concentration of interstellar gas and dust within the much larger ionized gas region IC 1396 located in the constellation Cepheus about 2,400 light years away from Earth. The piece of the nebula shown here is the dark, dense globule IC 1396A it is commonly called the Elephant's Trunk nebula because of its appearance at visible light wavelengths.

Location: Stinger of Scorpius Observatory, Filiates, Thesprotia - Greece.

Processing: Kostas Tsekas - Aras Teo
Bortle Scale: Class 4
Telescope: William optics star 71 f/4.9
Mount: Avalon linear fast reverse (Avalon Instruments)
Guide Scope : Skywatcher ed80 Black Diamond
Guide Camera:ZWO ASI290MM Mini (mono)
Main Camera: CCD Atik One 6.0 Monochrome
Filters: Astrodon Ha 5nm 60X600sec - 10 hours total
         Astrodon Oiii 3nm 60X600sec - 10 hours total
         Baader Sii 8nm 42X600sec - 7 hours total
Binning: 1x1 for each filter
Sensor temperature: -10°C for each filter
Process: Pixinsight - CCD stack - Photoshop CS6
Hubble Palette Techniques
Dates: 14/06/2020 - 16/06/2020 (HA Filter)
Dates: 20/06/2020 - 17/07/2020 (OIII Filter)
Dates: 18/07/2020 - 20/07/2020 (SII Filter)
Total exposure : 27 hours


