Nazareno Bellucci


After years and years of “traditional” mount using - i owned Vixen, Meade and Skywatcher mounts - i think i achieved now the “last” mount.
The Linear (all Made in Italy) has an handsome look, unexceptionable manufactured in every single particular. It can provide steady sensation hard to find in other brand mounts except mounts at least double priced. As a GoTo system i choose the Synscan that i already used with my old AZ-EQ6.

Excellent pointing accuracy: the object is always at the center of ccd frame with 1000 mm focal lenght;  photography weight capability 20 kg/44 lb and a only 12,5 kg/26 lb of mount weight. Good tracking without guide (about 2 minutes).

With the autoguide (Lodestar) the tracking is good and steady even with 20 minutes sub (no one sub is wasted).
Linear mount being gears and worms less and due to the special driven belt system, has no maintenance needs.
So i have to say that Linear mount is perfect for a traveller astroamateur as for a fixed observatory station.
Last but not least the great and direct assistance for professionality and quick response (if ever needed) of the Avalon-Instruments owner Luciano Dal Sasso.

Location: Marsciano (Perugia - Italy)

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