Question INDIGO support for StarGO2

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10 Apr 2022 16:36 - 10 Apr 2022 16:49 #922 by Planet30
INDIGO support for StarGO2 was created by Planet30
After using the StarGO2 for some time now, I got used to its approach to control and to run a telescope mount via INDI.

The Raspberry Pi4 runs an INDI server (and ASCOM) and has pre-installed INDI drivers for my M-UNO mount. This mostly works well. I get nice images and it works OK.

The only minor issue is that the ASIAIR Pro/App only works with the limited LX200 Basic driver. The more "advanced" driver, the LX200 Classic, is not working with the StarGO2 Pro INDI server/driver - ASIAIR combo. This was confirmed by both Avalon and ZWO. The LX200 classic driver is required for auto guiding with the ASIAIR.

There are some alleged "hacks" out there on CloudyNights that apparently allow for so called chained INDI servers with the ASIAIR. StellarMate (SM) and KStars/EKOS allow for chained INDI servers. I tried this with limited success. SM basically works, but it is not very stable, and I am missing some nice cool features, that I got used to with the ASIAIR app. SM vs. ASIAIR vs. EKOS vs. Astroberry is a different discussion, which I do not want to start here.

As a Mac user I was quickly pointed to INDIGO, which could potentially be a much more stable overall solution, provided I have an INDIGO server on the StarGO2. This does not seems to be possible just yet. Technically, external INDIGO servers could work with other INDI servers/drivers, but in my case there seems to be trouble with the SrtarGO2 INDI implementation and an INDIGO server. I have been in touch with the INDIGO developers and they have a good idea why, but there is no easy solution yet at hand AFAIK.

What strikes me, is that the ASIAIR INDI server and INDIGO both have trouble with the LX200 protocol with the StarGO2. Maybe it is the same or related, maybe it is different. I am not sure. SkySafari 7 has an INDI client now, but it is also not very stable and it sometimes "breaks" the INDI link between the ASIAIR and the StarGO2.

So this leads me to the assumption that there is an INDI issue somewhere in the servers or drivers or both... or it is just inherent to INDI ?! Who knows.

Therefore, I would love to try INDIGO, which is claimed to be more stable than INDI, because it is using a different communication protocol / interface. Don't ask me about details.... I am not a networking specialist.

Did anyone here have an idea how to use INDIGO with the StarGO2 Pro for controlling the M-UNO mount? Any hint would be much appreciated.

Thank you for your help.
Last edit: 10 Apr 2022 16:49 by Planet30.

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15 Apr 2022 12:22 - 15 Apr 2022 12:25 #926 by Planet30
Replied by Planet30 on topic INDIGO support for StarGO2
OK... maybe the question was way tooooo long ;-)

It comes down to "How to use INDIGO with the StarGO2 instead of INDI?"

I keep having different, though minor, issues with INDI and like to port my imaging to INDIGO.

Each forum, i.e. Avalon, indilib, ZWO and SkySafari, ... each say "It's not us, check with the others".
Last edit: 15 Apr 2022 12:25 by Planet30.

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30 Oct 2023 11:06 - 30 Oct 2023 11:35 #1215 by Rio

Je tente depuis plusieurs jours de trouver une situation stable à effectuer une transmission stable entre les deux boitiers, Asiair-StarGo2, c'est peine perdue. Je rajouterai même que mes mails spécifiés à Avalon restent lettres mortes. Possédant des équipements Avalon depuis plus de deux ans, je crois que je renoncerai à une troisième acquisition pour du matériel plus lourd. Et ce qui me chagrine, c'est que les montures sont de très bonnes factures, et le boitier de commande, STARGO2 Pro, n'est pas à la hauteur du prix exigé par son manque de connectivité. Parce qu'en dehors de la partie logicielle propre à piloter la monture, l'interface à coup de kstars et un écran, c'est cher payé. La Ferrari fonctionne au diesel !

Comme vous, "Planet30", je cherche à tirer parti du meilleur de chacun des boitier. L'interface simple de l'Asie pour piloter les montures, la caméra CCD de guidage, nécessite le boîtier une connexion physique et logicielle avec l'interface STARGO2 Pro ou +.. Bref, l'incapacité à donner une solution, sauf par une réponse sibiline disant que cela fonctionne, alors, je demande une vidéo de démonstration. Pardonnez moi d'être aussi direct que St Thomas !

Les drivers INDI du boitier STARGO2 Pro concernant les DLSR sont instables et fonctionnent aléatoirement, tout du moins pour le canon EOS Ra. et R7. La mise à jour en version 1.9 des drivers est impossibles, ils crachent le serveur INDI. Pour les divers INDI pour la suite des caméra ZWO, idem. E, fait, le boitier STARGO2 Pro n'est pas à la hauteur de son prix et par conséquent à la hauteur de ce que l'on peut espérer au regard de la qualité des montures. Travail esthétique, certes, mais de piètre facture en matière de compatibilité.

J'en sui venu à la solution batarde, qui consiste à piloter la monture de façon la plus simple, ASIAIR ($299) pour l'acquisition de l'imagerie et le STARGO2 pour piloter ce qui sait faire (cher à 1450,00 € hors TVA).

Alors, c'est vrai techniquement, l'ASIAIR c'est tou faire (presque tout, avec une conectique simple à base USB-A vers USB-C, ce qui devient un standard électronique, ce que pourrait faire aussi les montures Avalon. La raison est que avoir le savoir faire d'une monture de grande qualité, ne vous garantit pas d'avoir le meilleur ensemble informatique pour piloter l'engin. De même que ZWO a fait le même constat pour sa petite monture, en s'appuyant sur des brevet et un savoir faire extérieur. Pour son boitier ASIAIR, le résultat est incontestable. Tout cela pour expliquer que malgré les efforts d'Avalon, sans changer leur façon d'imaginer leur différence, ce sera toujours des no solutions récurrentes, sauf si on me prouve le contraire.

Mes derniers déboires avec cette connexion inter boitier, me confirme comme socle pour choisir du nouveau matériel, la condition d'une compatibilité entre le boitier ASIAIR et mon nouveau matériel. Perdre son temps avec des réglages, c'est fini ! L'évolution matériel et informatique autour de grands standards qui simplifie l'utilisation des matériels, assez chers, devraient être une règle dont devrait s'inspirer les fabricants. 
Last edit: 30 Oct 2023 11:35 by Rio. Reason: Editeur fermé avant fin du message
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30 Oct 2023 11:38 #1216 by Rio
I have been trying for several days to find a stable situation to carry out a stable transmission between the two boxes, Asiair-StarGo2, it's wasted effort. I will even add that my emails specified to Avalon remain unheeded. Having owned Avalon equipment for more than two years, I think I will forego a third acquisition for heavier equipment. And what bothers me is that the mounts are very well made, and the control box, STARGO2 Pro, is not up to the price demanded by its lack of connectivity. Because apart from the software part to control the mount, the interface with kstars and a screen, it's expensive to pay. The Ferrari runs on diesel!

Like you, "Planet30", I seek to take advantage of the best of each box. Asia's simple interface to control the mounts, the guiding CCD camera, requires the housing a physical and software connection with the STARGO2 Pro interface or.. In short, the inability to give a solution, except with a cryptic response saying that it works, so I ask for a demonstration video. Forgive me for being as direct as St. Thomas!

The INDI drivers of the STARGO2 Pro box concerning DLSR are unstable and work randomly, at least for the Canon EOS Ra. and R7. Updating drivers to version 1.9 is impossible, they crack the INDI server. For the various INDIs for the rest of the ZWO cameras, ditto. Indeed, the STARGO2 Pro case does not live up to its price and therefore does not live up to what we can hope for in terms of the quality of the frames. Aesthetic work, certainly, but poor quality in terms of compatibility.

I came to the standard solution, which consists of controlling the mount in the simplest way, ASIAIR ($299) for the acquisition of the imagery and the STARGO2 to control what can be done (expensive at €1450.00). excluding VAT).

So, it’s technically true, ASIAIR is do everything (almost everything, with simple connectivity based on USB-A to USB-C, which is becoming an electronic standard, which Avalon frames could also do. The reason is that having the know-how of a large frame quality, does not guarantee you having the best computer set to control the machine. Just as ZWO made the same observation for its small mount, relying on patents and external know-how. For its ASIAIR box , the result is indisputable. All this to explain that despite Avalon's efforts, without changing their way of imagining their difference, there will always be no recurring solutions, unless I am proven otherwise.

My latest setbacks with this connection inter box, confirms for me as a basis for choosing new hardware, the condition of compatibility between the ASIAIR box and my new hardware. Wasting time with settings, it's over! The evolution of hardware and IT around high standards which simplify the use of equipment, which are quite expensive, should be a rule which should not be inspired by manufacturers.
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02 Nov 2023 06:32 - 02 Nov 2023 07:15 #1217 by Planet30
I fully agree with both your French and English version.

It is completely incomprehensible how a modern mount company offers a mount controller in the year 2023 with extremely limited compatible with the ASIAIR.

The STARGO2 drivers are outdated, because their INDI version is 1.9.7. All new drivers are running and developed for INDI 2.x.

The solution is sooooo simple. Make STARGO2 INDI drivers that are fully compatible to the LX200 or OnStep protocols (like the NYX) and update the STARGO2 to INDI 2.x.

And, yes. Emails on this subject remain typically un-answered.

At the cost of almost 1500€, this is even more surprising.
Last edit: 02 Nov 2023 07:15 by Planet30.

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02 Nov 2023 06:34 #1218 by Planet30
I recommend you posting on Cloudynights, if not already done so. Like emails, posts in this forum remain largely unanswered as well.

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