StarGO 6.2.0 SP3 Released

Is now available the new StarGo 6.2.0 SP1

Go to the Support page to donwload it and try all the new function.

Below you can find the main new functions available.

- Permanent Auto Meridian Flip disabled starting from unparking
- Skysafari is now able to correctly set "Time and Position" (no PC is required).
- ASCOM pulse guiding improved
- The internal Star Catalogue has been dismissed.
- New Feature:"Realign Absolute Position" it is now possible to realign the internal absolute position after the Synch by Plate Solve or planetarium Sync
- New "Virtual Keypad" panel (always on top) in order to keep always the control of the mount movement (very helpful with Stellarium and other astronomical software).
- Added the possibility to set Sync Home Position on the Horizon West and Horizon East (helpful for observatory using).
- Minor bugs solved

SP2 version

- OCX error fixed

- GUI restyled

SP3 version

- OCX files extensions completely removed