Start-up ASCOM Device Conformance Checker - 64bit mode Start-up ASCOM Platform 6.5 SP1 ConformanceCheck ASCOM Device Conformance Checker Version 6.5.7500.22515, Build time: 14/07/2020 12:30:30 ConformanceCheck Running on: ASCOM Platform 6.5 SP1 ConformanceCheck Driver ProgID: ASCOM.AvalonStarGo.NET.Telescope Error handling Error number for "Not Implemented" is: 80040400 Error number for "Invalid Value 1" is: 80040401 Error number for "Invalid Value 2" is: 80040405 Error number for "Value Not Set 1" is: 80040402 Error number for "Value Not Set 2" is: 80040403 Error messages will not be interpreted to infer state. 17:10:17.818 Driver Access Checks OK 17:10:20.029 AccessChecks OK Successfully created driver using late binding 17:10:25.721 AccessChecks OK Successfully connected using late binding 17:10:25.738 AccessChecks INFO The driver is a COM object 17:10:28.338 AccessChecks INFO Device does not expose interface ITelescopeV2 17:10:35.242 AccessChecks INFO Device exposes interface ITelescopeV3 17:10:38.868 AccessChecks OK Successfully created driver using driver access toolkit 17:10:43.745 AccessChecks OK Successfully connected using driver access toolkit Conform is using ASCOM.DriverAccess.Telescope to get a Telescope object 17:10:47.417 ConformanceCheck OK Driver instance created successfully 17:10:52.298 ConformanceCheck OK Connected OK Common Driver Methods 17:10:52.405 InterfaceVersion OK 3 17:10:52.452 Connected OK True 17:10:52.490 Description OK Written By Agostino Lamanna for AVALON INSTRUMENTS Italian High Quality Astro Instruments 17:10:52.537 DriverInfo OK Driver developed for Avalon Instruments Mounts. Version: 17:10:52.590 DriverVersion OK 17:10:52.659 Name OK Avalon Mount 17:10:52.706 CommandString INFO Conform cannot test the CommandString method 17:10:52.722 CommandBlind INFO Conform cannot test the CommandBlind method 17:10:52.722 CommandBool INFO Conform cannot test the CommandBool method 17:10:52.737 Action INFO Conform cannot test the Action method 17:10:52.753 SupportedActions OK Driver returned an empty action list Can Properties 17:10:52.860 CanFindHome OK True 17:10:52.860 CanPark OK True 17:10:52.875 CanPulseGuide OK True 17:10:52.891 CanSetDeclinationRate OK False 17:10:52.891 CanSetGuideRates OK True 17:10:52.907 CanSetPark OK True 17:10:52.922 CanSetPierSide OK True 17:10:52.922 CanSetRightAscensionRate OK False 17:10:52.938 CanSetTracking OK True 17:10:52.953 CanSlew OK True 17:10:52.960 CanSlewltAz OK True 17:10:52.976 CanSlewAltAzAsync OK True 17:10:52.976 CanSlewAsync OK True 17:10:52.991 CanSync OK True 17:10:53.007 CanSyncAltAz OK False 17:10:53.007 CanUnPark OK True Pre-run Checks 17:10:53.091 Mount Safety INFO Scope is not parked, continuing testing 17:10:53.418 Mount Safety INFO Scope tracking has been enabled 17:10:53.463 TimeCheck INFO PC Time Zone: W. Europe Summer Time, offset -2 hours. 17:10:53.480 TimeCheck INFO PC UTCDate: 21-May-2021 15:10:53.480 17:10:53.498 TimeCheck INFO Mount UTCDate: 21-May-2021 15:10:53.498 Properties 17:10:53.620 AlignmentMode OK algGermanPolar 17:10:53.670 Altitude OK 0.00 17:10:53.732 ApertureArea OK 10 17:10:53.793 ApertureDiameter OK 20 17:10:53.856 AtHome OK False 17:10:53.919 AtPark OK False 17:10:53.967 Azimuth OK 0.00 17:10:54.033 Declination OK 89:59:59.96 17:10:54.093 DeclinationRate Read OK 0.00 17:10:54.360 DeclinationRate Write OK CanSetDeclinationRate is False and a PropertyNotImplementedException exception was generated as expected 17:10:54.476 DoesRefraction Read OK False 17:10:54.538 DoesRefraction Write OK Can set DoesRefraction to True 17:10:54.592 EquatorialSystem OK equLocalTopocentric 17:10:54.676 FocalLength OK Optional member threw a PropertyNotImplementedException exception. 17:10:54.739 GuideRateDeclination Read OK 0.00 17:10:55.093 GuideRateDeclination Write OK Can write Declination Guide Rate OK 17:10:55.140 GuideRateRightAscension Read OK 0.00 17:10:55.600 GuideRateRightAscension Write OK Can set RightAscension Guide OK 17:10:55.653 IsPulseGuiding OK False 17:10:55.713 RightAscension OK 13:59:07.23 17:10:55.774 RightAscensionRate Read OK 0.00 17:10:55.859 RightAscensionRate Write OK CanSetRightAscensionRate is False and a PropertyNotImplementedException exception was generated as expected 17:10:55.918 SiteElevation Read OK 0 17:10:56.004 SiteElevation Write OK Optional member threw a PropertyNotImplementedException exception. 17:10:56.042 SiteElevation Write OK Optional member threw a PropertyNotImplementedException exception. 17:10:56.067 SiteElevation Write OK Optional member threw a PropertyNotImplementedException exception. 17:10:56.119 SiteLatitude Read OK 41:37:23.00 17:10:56.191 SiteLatitude Write OK Invalid Value exception generated as expected on set site latitude < -90 degrees 17:10:56.226 SiteLatitude Write OK Invalid Value exception generated as expected on set site latitude > 90 degrees 17:10:58.572 SiteLatitude Write OK Legal value 41:37:23.00 degrees written successfully 17:10:58.634 SiteLongitude Read OK 12:34:18.00 17:10:58.703 SiteLongitude Write OK Invalid Value exception generated as expected on set site longitude < -180 degrees 17:10:58.734 SiteLongitude Write OK Invalid Value exception generated as expected on set site longitude > 180 degrees 17:11:01.222 SiteLongitude Write OK Legal value 12:34:18.00 degrees written successfully 17:11:01.291 Slewing OK False 17:11:01.356 SlewSettleTime Read OK 0 17:11:01.442 SlewSettleTime Write OK Invalid Value exception generated as expected on set slew settle time < 0 17:11:01.472 SlewSettleTime Write OK Legal value 0 seconds written successfully 17:11:01.529 SideOfPier Read OK pierWest 17:11:01.554 SiderealTime OK 07:59:15.00 17:11:01.562 SiderealTime OK Scope and ASCOM sidereal times agree to better than 1 second, Scope: 07:59:15.00, ASCOM: 07:59:14.66 17:11:01.627 TargetDeclination Read OK COM Not Set exception generated on read before write 17:11:01.683 TargetDeclination Write INFO Tests moved after the SlewToCoordinates tests so that Conform can check they properly set target coordinates. 17:11:01.731 TargetRightAscension Read OK COM Not Set exception generated on read before write 17:11:01.777 TargetRightAscension Write INFO Tests moved after the SlewToCoordinates tests so that Conform can check they properly set target coordinates. 17:11:01.801 Tracking Read OK True 17:11:03.495 Tracking Write OK False 17:11:05.168 TrackingRates Found drive rate: driveSidereal 17:11:05.183 TrackingRates OK Drive rates read OK 17:11:05.215 TrackingRates OK Disposed tracking rates OK 17:11:05.284 TrackingRates OK Successfully obtained a TrackingRates object after the previous TrackingRates object was disposed 17:11:05.315 TrackingRate Read OK driveSidereal 17:11:05.365 TrackingRate Write OK Successfully set drive rate: driveSidereal 17:11:05.402 TrackingRate Write OK Invalid Value exception generated as expected when TrackingRate is set to an invalid value (5) 17:11:05.429 TrackingRate Write OK Invalid Value exception generated as expected when TrackingRate is set to an invalid value (-1) 17:11:05.472 UTCDate Read OK 21-May-2021 15:11:05.472 17:11:05.515 UTCDate Write OK Optional member threw a PropertyNotImplementedException exception. Methods 17:11:06.256 CanMoveAxis:Primary OK CanMoveAxis:Primary True 17:11:06.303 CanMoveAxis:Secondary OK CanMoveAxis:Secondary True 17:11:06.370 CanMoveAxis:Tertiary OK CanMoveAxis:Tertiary False 17:11:08.488 Park OK Success 17:11:08.504 Park OK Success if already parked 17:11:08.566 Parked:AbortSlew OK AbortSlew did raise an exception when Parked as required 17:11:08.635 Parked:FindHome OK FindHome did raise an exception when Parked as required 17:11:08.751 Parked:MoveAxis Primary OK MoveAxis Primary did raise an exception when Parked as required 17:11:08.836 Parked:MoveAxis Secondary OK MoveAxis Secondary did raise an exception when Parked as required 17:11:09.005 Parked:PulseGuide OK PulseGuide did raise an exception when Parked as required 17:11:09.052 Parked:SlewToCoordinates OK SlewToCoordinates did raise an exception when Parked as required 17:11:09.106 Parked:SlewToCoordinatesAsync OK SlewToCoordinatesAsync did raise an exception when Parked as required 17:11:09.190 Parked:SlewToTarget OK SlewToTarget did raise an exception when Parked as required 17:11:09.275 Parked:SlewToTargetAsync OK SlewToTargetAsync did raise an exception when Parked as required 17:11:09.388 Parked:SyncToCoordinates OK SyncToCoordinates did raise an exception when Parked as required 17:11:09.481 Parked:SyncToTarget OK SyncToTarget did raise an exception when Parked as required 17:11:10.507 UnPark OK Success 17:11:10.522 UnPark OK Success if already unparked 17:11:10.924 AbortSlew OK AbortSlew OK when not slewing 17:11:11.093 AxisRate:Primary OK Axis rate minimum: 1 Axis rate maximum: 10 17:11:11.108 AxisRate:Primary OK No overlapping axis rates found 17:11:11.124 AxisRate:Primary OK No duplicate axis rates found 17:11:11.193 AxisRate:Primary OK Successfully disposed of rate 1 - 10 17:11:11.193 AxisRate:Primary OK Disposed axis rates OK 17:11:11.224 AxisRate:Secondary OK Axis rate minimum: 1 Axis rate maximum: 10 17:11:11.240 AxisRate:Secondary OK No overlapping axis rates found 17:11:11.240 AxisRate:Secondary OK No duplicate axis rates found 17:11:11.256 AxisRate:Secondary OK Successfully disposed of rate 1 - 10 17:11:11.278 AxisRate:Secondary OK Disposed axis rates OK 17:11:11.293 AxisRate:Tertiary OK Axis rate minimum: 1 Axis rate maximum: 10 17:11:11.309 AxisRate:Tertiary OK No overlapping axis rates found 17:11:11.325 AxisRate:Tertiary OK No duplicate axis rates found 17:11:11.356 AxisRate:Tertiary OK Successfully disposed of rate 1 - 10 17:11:11.379 AxisRate:Tertiary OK Disposed axis rates OK 17:11:12.527 FindHome OK Found home OK. 17:11:13.470 MoveAxis Primary OK Can successfully set a movement rate of zero 17:11:13.499 MoveAxis Primary OK Exception correctly generated when move axis is set below lowest rate (0.5) 17:11:13.561 MoveAxis Primary OK Exception correctly generated when move axis is set above highest rate (11) 17:11:19.917 MoveAxis Primary OK Successfully moved axis at minimum rate: 1 17:11:26.205 MoveAxis Primary OK Successfully moved axis at maximum rate: 10 17:11:32.734 MoveAxis Primary OK Tracking state correctly retained for both tracking states 17:11:32.758 MoveAxis Primary OK AxisRates object successfully disposed 17:11:33.605 MoveAxis Secondary OK Can successfully set a movement rate of zero 17:11:33.632 MoveAxis Secondary OK Exception correctly generated when move axis is set below lowest rate (0.5) 17:11:33.682 MoveAxis Secondary OK Exception correctly generated when move axis is set above highest rate (11) 17:11:40.062 MoveAxis Secondary OK Successfully moved axis at minimum rate: 1 17:11:46.403 MoveAxis Secondary OK Successfully moved axis at maximum rate: 10 17:11:53.512 MoveAxis Secondary OK Tracking state correctly retained for both tracking states 17:11:53.531 MoveAxis Secondary OK AxisRates object successfully disposed 17:11:53.635 MoveAxis Tertiary OK CanMoveAxis Tertiary is False and a MethodNotImplementedException exception was generated as expected 17:11:55.802 PulseGuide OK Asynchronous pulse guide found OK 17:12:40.157 SlewToCoordinates INFO Slewed within 88.9 arc seconds of expected RA: 07:00:09.00, actual RA: 07:00:14.93 17:12:40.167 SlewToCoordinates OK Slewed OK. DEC: 01:00:00.00 17:12:40.178 SlewToCoordinates OK The TargetRightAscension property 07:00:09.00 matches the expected RA OK. 17:12:40.185 SlewToCoordinates OK The TargetDeclination property 01:00:00.00 matches the expected Declination OK. 17:12:40.282 SlewToCoordinates (Bad L) OK Correctly rejected bad RA coordinate: -01:00:00.00 17:12:40.317 SlewToCoordinates (Bad L) OK Correctly rejected bad Dec coordinate: -100:00:00.00 17:12:40.427 SlewToCoordinates (Bad H) OK Correctly rejected bad RA coordinate: 25:00:00.00 17:12:40.464 SlewToCoordinates (Bad H) OK Correctly rejected bad Dec coordinate: 100:00:00.00 17:12:53.324 SlewToCoordinatesAsync INFO Slewed within 241.7 arc seconds of expected RA: 06:00:54.00, actual RA: 06:01:10.11 17:12:53.340 SlewToCoordinatesAsync OK Slewed OK. DEC: 02:00:00.00 17:12:53.352 SlewToCoordinatesAsync OK The TargetRightAscension property 06:00:54.00 matches the expected RA OK. 17:12:53.363 SlewToCoordinatesAsync OK The TargetDeclination property 02:00:00.00 matches the expected Declination OK. 17:12:53.441 SlewToCoordinatesAsync (Bad L) OK Correctly rejected bad RA coordinate: -01:00:00.00 17:12:53.478 SlewToCoordinatesAsync (Bad L) OK Correctly rejected bad Dec coordinate: -100:00:00.00 17:12:53.564 SlewToCoordinatesAsync (Bad H) OK Correctly rejected bad RA coordinate: 25:00:00.00 17:12:53.582 SlewToCoordinatesAsync (Bad H) OK Correctly rejected bad Dec coordinate: 100:00:00.00 17:13:09.382 SyncToCoordinates INFO Slewed to start position within 629.4 arc seconds of expected RA: 05:01:07.00, actual RA: 05:00:25.04 17:13:09.398 SyncToCoordinates OK Slewed to start position OK. DEC: 20:48:41.50 17:13:10.075 SyncToCoordinates INFO Synced to sync position within 2970.6 arc seconds of expected RA: 04:57:07.00, actual RA: 05:00:25.04 17:13:10.091 SyncToCoordinates INFO Synced to sync position within 3598.5 arc seconds of expected DEC: 19:48:41.50, actual DEC: 20:48:40.00 17:13:10.105 SyncToCoordinates OK The TargetRightAscension property 04:57:07.00 matches the expected RA OK. 17:13:10.113 SyncToCoordinates OK The TargetDeclination property 19:48:41.50 matches the expected Declination OK. 17:13:21.428 SyncToCoordinates INFO Slewed back to start position within 75.6 arc seconds of expected RA: 05:01:07.00, actual RA: 05:01:12.04 17:13:21.444 SyncToCoordinates OK Slewed back to start position OK. DEC: 20:48:41.50 17:13:22.046 SyncToCoordinates INFO Synced to reversed sync position within 3524.4 arc seconds of expected RA: 05:05:07.00, actual RA: 05:01:12.04 17:13:22.061 SyncToCoordinates INFO Synced to reversed sync position within 3601.5 arc seconds of expected DEC: 21:48:41.50, actual DEC: 20:48:40.00 17:13:32.982 SyncToCoordinates OK Slewed back to start position OK. RA: 05:01:07.00 17:13:32.997 SyncToCoordinates OK Slewed back to start position OK. DEC: 20:48:41.50 17:13:33.062 SyncToCoordinates (Bad L) OK Correctly rejected bad RA coordinate: -01:00:00.00 17:13:33.092 SyncToCoordinates (Bad L) OK Correctly rejected bad Dec coordinate: -100:00:00.00 17:13:33.222 SyncToCoordinates (Bad H) OK Correctly rejected bad RA coordinate: 25:00:00.00 17:13:33.252 SyncToCoordinates (Bad H) OK Correctly rejected bad Dec coordinate: 100:00:00.00 17:13:33.361 TargetRightAscension Write OK Invalid Value exception generated as expected on set TargetRightAscension < 0 hours 17:13:33.396 TargetRightAscension Write OK Invalid Value exception generated as expected on set TargetRightAscension > 24 hours 17:13:33.409 TargetRightAscension Write OK Legal value 04:01:47.00 HH:MM:SS written successfully 17:13:33.472 TargetDeclination Write OK Invalid Value exception generated as expected on set TargetDeclination < -90 degrees 17:13:33.511 TargetDeclination Write OK Invalid Value exception generated as expected on set TargetDeclination < -90 degrees 17:13:33.524 TargetDeclination Write OK Legal value 01:00:00.00 DD:MM:SS written successfully 17:13:35.390 SlewToTarget INFO Slewed within 601.0 arc seconds of expected RA: 05:01:47.00, actual RA: 05:01:06.93 17:13:35.395 SlewToTarget INFO Slewed within 64122.0 arc seconds of expected DEC: 03:00:00.00, actual DEC: 20:48:42.00 17:13:35.404 SlewToTarget OK The TargetRightAscension property 05:01:47.00 matches the expected RA OK. 17:13:35.410 SlewToTarget OK The TargetDeclination property 03:00:00.00 matches the expected Declination OK. 17:13:35.474 SlewToTarget (Bad L) OK Telescope.TargetRA correctly rejected bad RA coordinate: -01:00:00.00 17:13:35.516 SlewToTarget (Bad L) OK Telescope.TargetDeclination correctly rejected bad Dec coordinate: -100:00:00.00 17:13:35.611 SlewToTarget (Bad H) OK Telescope.TargetRA correctly rejected bad RA coordinate: 25:00:00.00 17:13:35.632 SlewToTarget (Bad H) OK Telescope.TargetDeclination correctly rejected bad Dec coordinate: 100:00:00.00 17:13:47.945 SlewToTargetAsync OK Slewed OK. RA: 04:01:50.00 17:13:47.961 SlewToTargetAsync OK Slewed OK. DEC: 04:00:00.00 17:13:47.976 SlewToTargetAsync OK The TargetRightAscension property 04:01:50.00 matches the expected RA OK. 17:13:47.992 SlewToTargetAsync OK The TargetDeclination property 04:00:00.00 matches the expected Declination OK. 17:13:48.061 SlewToTargetAsync (Bad L) OK Telescope.TargetRA correctly rejected bad RA coordinate: -01:00:00.00 17:13:48.099 SlewToTargetAsync (Bad L) OK Telescope.TargetDeclination correctly rejected bad Dec coordinate: -100:00:00.00 17:13:48.199 SlewToTargetAsync (Bad H) OK Telescope.TargetRA correctly rejected bad RA coordinate: 25:00:00.00 17:13:48.230 SlewToTargetAsync (Bad H) OK Telescope.TargetDeclination correctly rejected bad Dec coordinate: 100:00:00.00 17:13:48.393 DestinationSideOfPier OK DestinationSideOfPier is different on either side of the meridian 17:13:49.302 SlewToAltAz INFO Slewed to within 150:00:00.00 DD:MM:SS of expected Azimuth: 150:00:00.00 17:13:49.315 SlewToAltAz INFO Slewed to within 50:00:00.00 DD:MM:SS of expected Altitude: 50:00:00.00 17:13:49.351 SlewToAltAz (Bad L) OK Correctly rejected bad Altitude coordinate: -100:00:00.00 17:13:49.382 SlewToAltAz (Bad L) OK Correctly rejected bad Azimuth coordinate: -10:00:00.00 17:13:49.480 SlewToAltAz (Bad H) OK Correctly rejected bad Altitude coordinate: 100:00:00.00 17:13:49.533 SlewToAltAz (Bad H) OK Correctly rejected bad Azimuth coordinate: 370:00:00.00 17:15:04.411 SlewToAltAzAsync INFO Slewed to within 155:00:00.00 DD:MM:SS of expected Azimuth: 155:00:00.00 17:15:04.411 SlewToAltAzAsync INFO Slewed to within 55:00:00.00 DD:MM:SS of expected Altitude: 55:00:00.00 17:15:04.897 SlewToAltAzAsync (Bad L) OK Correctly rejected bad Altitude coordinate: -100:00:00.00 17:15:04.928 SlewToAltAzAsync (Bad L) OK Correctly rejected bad Azimuth coordinate: -10:00:00.00 17:15:05.044 SlewToAltAzAsync (Bad H) OK Correctly rejected bad Altitude coordinate: 100:00:00.00 17:15:05.076 SlewToAltAzAsync (Bad H) OK Correctly rejected bad Azimuth coordinate: 370:00:00.00 17:16:15.466 SyncToTarget INFO Slewed to start position within 138.3 arc seconds of expected RA: 05:03:19.00, actual RA: 05:03:28.22 17:16:15.482 SyncToTarget OK Slewed to start position OK. DEC: 20:48:41.50 17:16:15.883 SyncToTarget INFO Synced to sync position within 3738.3 arc seconds of expected RA: 04:59:19.00, actual RA: 05:03:28.22 17:16:15.899 SyncToTarget INFO Synced to sync position within 3598.5 arc seconds of expected DEC: 19:48:41.50, actual DEC: 20:48:40.00 17:16:26.477 SyncToTarget INFO Slewed back to start position within 664.7 arc seconds of expected RA: 05:03:19.00, actual RA: 05:02:34.69 17:16:26.493 SyncToTarget INFO Slewed back to start position within 227.5 arc seconds of expected DEC: 20:48:41.50, actual DEC: 20:44:54.00 17:16:27.026 SyncToTarget INFO Synced to reversed sync position within 4264.7 arc seconds of expected RA: 05:07:19.00, actual RA: 05:02:34.69 17:16:27.041 SyncToTarget INFO Synced to reversed sync position within 3827.5 arc seconds of expected DEC: 21:48:41.50, actual DEC: 20:44:54.00 17:16:35.764 SyncToTarget INFO Slewed back to start position within 620.3 arc seconds of expected RA: 05:03:19.00, actual RA: 05:04:00.35 17:16:35.780 SyncToTarget OK Slewed back to start position OK. DEC: 20:48:41.50 17:16:35.864 SyncToTarget (Bad L) OK Telescope.TargetRA correctly rejected bad RA coordinate: -01:00:00.00 17:16:35.896 SyncToTarget (Bad L) OK Telescope.TargetDeclination correctly rejected bad Dec coordinate: -100:00:00.00 17:16:35.996 SyncToTarget (Bad H) OK Telescope.TargetRA correctly rejected bad RA coordinate: 25:00:00.00 17:16:36.034 SyncToTarget (Bad H) OK Telescope.TargetDeclination correctly rejected bad Dec coordinate: 100:00:00.00 17:16:36.397 SyncToAltAz OK CanSyncAltAz is False and a MethodNotImplementedException exception was generated as expected SideOfPier Model Tests 17:16:47.307 SideOfPier Write INFO This test will now wait for 7 minutes while the mount tracks through the Meridian 17:23:53.305 SideOfPier Write ISSUE Failed to set SideOfPier to pierWest, got: pierEast 17:29:14.781 SideofPier OK Reports the pointing state of the mount as expected 17:29:14.798 SideofPier INFO Reported SideofPier at HA -9, +9: WE 17:29:14.811 SideofPier INFO Reported SideofPier at HA -3, +3: WE 17:29:14.817 SideofPier OK pierWest is returned when the mount is observing at an hour angle between -6.0 and 0.0 17:29:14.824 SideofPier OK pierEast is returned when the mount is observing at an hour angle between 0.0 and +6.0 17:29:14.830 DestinationSideofPier OK Reports the pointing state of the mount as expected 17:29:14.836 DestinationSideofPier OK pierWest is returned when the mount will observe at an hour angle between -6.0 and 0.0 17:29:14.842 DestinationSideofPier OK pierEast is returned when the mount will observe at an hour angle between 0.0 and +6.0 17:29:14.847 DestinationSideofPier INFO Reported DesintationSideofPier at HA -9, +9: WE 17:29:14.852 DestinationSideofPier INFO Reported DesintationSideofPier at HA -3, +3: WE Post-run Checks 17:29:15.483 Mount Safety OK Tracking stopped to protect your mount. Conformance test complete Your driver had 0 errors, 0 warnings and 1 issues